Selling Kabul

Williamstown Theatre Festival

Taroon (Babak Tafti), a former interpreter for the US military, lives in hiding from the Taliban in his sister Afiya’s (Marjan Neshat) home in Kabul, Afghanistan. As Taroon restlessly awaits news from the hospital on the eve of his first child’s birth, his brother-in-law Jawid (Omid Abtahi) works to protect him from dangers lurking outside the apartment walls. In this world premiere drama directed by Tyne Rafaeli, Sylvia Khoury examines loyalty, empty promises, and what it means to be left behind.

Selling Kabul is the recipient of the 2018 L. Arnold Weissberger New Play Award, administered by Williamstown Theatre Festival.

Playwright: Sylvia Khoury

Director: Tyne Rafaeli

Scenic Designer: Arnulfo Maldonado

Costume Designer: Dina El-Aziz

Lighting Designer: Jen Schriever

Sound Designer: Beth Lake

Production Stage Manager: Brett Anders

Photography by Joseph O’Malley.

Pictured: Marjan Neshat

Pictured: Babak Tafti,

 Marjan Neshat

Pictured: Marjan Neshat, May Calamawy

Pictured: Pictured: Marjan Neshat, May Calamawy

Pictured: May Calamawy

Pictured: Omid Abtahi, Marjan Neshat, and May Calamawy

Pictured: Omid Abtahi

Pictured: Babak Tafti

Pictured: Marjan Neshat, Omid Abtahi

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