Barrington Stage
This thought-provoking production delves into the lives of four students who, while hailing from the same native language background, come together in an Iranian classroom to prepare for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) proficiency exam. Amid the unique challenge of mastering a new language, their journey unfolds against the backdrop of a single, compelling rule: “English Only!” As they navigate the complexities of language acquisition, English explores the power of communication, connection, and the shared human experience, reflecting the universal struggles and the unique nuances of embracing a new linguistic identity.
Playwright: Sanaz Toossi
Director: Knud Adams
Cultural Consultant and Dialect Coach: Ana Bayat
Scenic Designer: Afsoon Pajoufar
Costume Designer: Dina El-Aziz
Lighting Designer: Masha Tsimring
Sound Designer: Kenny Neal
Production Stage Manager: Jason Brouillard
Assistant Stage Manager: Merit Glover
Photography by Knud Adams